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Auch in der aktuellen RTS Saison zeigt aLc eine starke Leistung und darf wieder zu den Titelanwärtern gezählt werden.
Auch in der aktuellen RTS Saison zeigt aLc eine starke Leistung und darf wieder zu den Titelanwärtern gezählt werden.
The AlcoHooligans (aLc) were founded in 2007 because of the WCL6 taking place in this year. Remarkable results were already reached in their first tournament despite narrow means. In qualification stage, the top teams LKC and TWP were outplayed. During this time, G_aLc_enHuMor, JohNNieW_aLc_eR, aLc_aPoNe and F_aLc_enSchrei were some of the most important players. During group stage aLc wasn't able to confirm the good performance from before and after several AL the dream of reaching the finals cruelly ended. Many recently gained fans fell into a long-lasting state of shock.
However, aLc also participated in following tournaments. Most notably was the triumphal procession of GoldenCadillaLc, JohNNieW_aLc_eR and F_aLc_enSchrei during EC torunament in 2010 which ended only in quarter finals very unluckyly against the top favourite RVK (2:3).
Due to the big sucesses in the past and the adding of more skilled players like Sch_aLc_ke05, J_aLc_kDaniels, aLc_horahil und Cogn_aLc, experts agree on aLc being the absolute favourite for the upcoming WCL7.
[TyRanT]kkab__: "People think we play this WCL because of money. The main reason, however, is aLc. They played really impressive last WCL. We are looking forward to get the opportunity to play against these legends of AoC. I hope we can give them a good fight but they might be too strong."
Update: WCL7 proceeded intermingled. In particular, the player _EA_F_aLc_o revealed big performance fluctuations but also the rest of the team didn't show their potential often enough. Terrific victories like agains VNS B, poz B, the legendary 5:0 against the later finalist Immortals or the epic win against VNS A in the round of sixteen were clouded by avoidable and sometimes totally surprising loses against RVK A and VN. After losing a close fight in quarter finals against later champion Tyrant, aLc also lost loser brackets against PoJ after a wretched performance. Consequently, some of the most disappointing players were kicked.
During follwing RTS season, aLc showed their true face again. After great qualification, aLc satisfied their desire for revenge against PoJ and nearly even against RVK (again 2:3). Game for 3rd place was won against 8wonders UsK team, making him curse at aLcies.
Also in ongoing RTS season aLc is doing very good job and is seen as one of the top favourites.

Version vom 4. Juli 2012, 14:33 Uhr

Die AlcoHooligans (aLc) wurden 2007 anlässig der in diesem Jahr stattfindenden WCL 6 gegründet und konnten gleich bei ihrem ersten Turnier trotz knapper Mittel bemerkenswerte Erfolge erziehlen. So wurden in der Qualifikation unter anderem die beiden Topteams LKC und TWP ausgeschaltet. Zu den Stützen des Teams gehörten dabei Spieler wie G_aLc_enHuMor, JohNNieW_aLc_eR, aLc_aPoNe und F_aLc_enSchrei. In der Gruppenphase konnte leider die zuvor gezeigte Leistung nicht bestätigt werden und nach diversen ALs musste der Traum von den Grand Finals vorzeitig begraben werden. Zahlreiche neu gewonnenen Fans wurden in einen monatelang andauernden Schockzustand versetzt.

Nichtsdestotrotz war aLc auch bei folgenden AoC-Turnieren vertreten. Bemerkenswert vor allem der Siegeszug von GoldenCadillaLc, JohNNieW_aLc_eR und F_aLc_enSchrei beim EC-Turnier 2010, der erst im Viertelfinale knapp und äußerst unglücklich vom Topfavoriten RVK mit 2:3 gestoppt wurde.

Aufgrund der zahlreichen Erfolge der letzten Jahren und dem Hinzukommen weiterer Topspieler wie Sch_aLc_ke05, J_aLc_kDaniels, aLc_horahil und Cogn_aLc sind sich Experten einig, dass der Titel bei den diesjährigen WCL 7 nur über aLc laufen wird.

[TyRanT]kkab__: "People think we play this WCL because of money. The main reason, however, is aLc. They played really impressive last WCL. We are looking forward to get the opportunity to play against these legends of AoC. I hope we can give them a good fight but they might be too strong."

Update: Die WCL 7 verlief durchwachsen. Insbesondere der Spieler _EA_F_aLc_o fiel durch starke Leistungsschwankungen auf, aber auch der Rest des Teams zeigte zu selten sein vorhandenes Potential. Grandiosen Siege wie gegen VNS B (A?), poz B, dem legendären 5:0 gegen die späteren Finalisten Immortals und dem epische Win nach einer Schlammschlacht vs VNS A im Achtelfinale standen vermeidbare und teilweise völig überraschende Niederlagen gegen RVK A und VN gegenüber. Das Viertelfinale wurde in einer umkämpften Partie gegen den späteren Champion Tyrant verloren, im Loserbracket erfolgte nach desolater Leistung das Aus gegen Poj A. Als Konsequenz trennte man sich daraufhin von enttäuschenden Spielern wie _EA_F_aLc_o.

In der folgenden RTS Saison zeigte aLc dann wieder sein wahres Gesicht. Nach souveräner Qualifikation für die Playoffs nahm man erfolgreich Rache an PoJ A und traf auf den Topfavoriten RVK A, welchem man sich nach hartem Kampf 2:3 geschlagen geben musste. Im Spiel um Platz 3 setze man sich dann immerhin souverän gegen 8th_wonders Usk Team durch, was dieser mit wilden Beschimpfungen kommentierte.

Auch in der aktuellen RTS Saison zeigt aLc eine starke Leistung und darf wieder zu den Titelanwärtern gezählt werden.

The AlcoHooligans (aLc) were founded in 2007 because of the WCL6 taking place in this year. Remarkable results were already reached in their first tournament despite narrow means. In qualification stage, the top teams LKC and TWP were outplayed. During this time, G_aLc_enHuMor, JohNNieW_aLc_eR, aLc_aPoNe and F_aLc_enSchrei were some of the most important players. During group stage aLc wasn't able to confirm the good performance from before and after several AL the dream of reaching the finals cruelly ended. Many recently gained fans fell into a long-lasting state of shock.

However, aLc also participated in following tournaments. Most notably was the triumphal procession of GoldenCadillaLc, JohNNieW_aLc_eR and F_aLc_enSchrei during EC torunament in 2010 which ended only in quarter finals very unluckyly against the top favourite RVK (2:3).

Due to the big sucesses in the past and the adding of more skilled players like Sch_aLc_ke05, J_aLc_kDaniels, aLc_horahil und Cogn_aLc, experts agree on aLc being the absolute favourite for the upcoming WCL7.

[TyRanT]kkab__: "People think we play this WCL because of money. The main reason, however, is aLc. They played really impressive last WCL. We are looking forward to get the opportunity to play against these legends of AoC. I hope we can give them a good fight but they might be too strong."

Update: WCL7 proceeded intermingled. In particular, the player _EA_F_aLc_o revealed big performance fluctuations but also the rest of the team didn't show their potential often enough. Terrific victories like agains VNS B, poz B, the legendary 5:0 against the later finalist Immortals or the epic win against VNS A in the round of sixteen were clouded by avoidable and sometimes totally surprising loses against RVK A and VN. After losing a close fight in quarter finals against later champion Tyrant, aLc also lost loser brackets against PoJ after a wretched performance. Consequently, some of the most disappointing players were kicked.

During follwing RTS season, aLc showed their true face again. After great qualification, aLc satisfied their desire for revenge against PoJ and nearly even against RVK (again 2:3). Game for 3rd place was won against 8wonders UsK team, making him curse at aLcies.

Also in ongoing RTS season aLc is doing very good job and is seen as one of the top favourites.